“Do you realize you are a creator? You create daily whether consciously or accidentally. You create your very life with every thought, every choice, and every action. Creativity is my area of expertise. I have the tools to help you to create what you really want.” – Jan Groenemann
Original Art
Jan is a nationally and internationally exhibited artist who has won many awards with her mixed media paintings and been featured in “New Woman Magazine, “American Artist Watercolor Magazine,” “New Thought Journal,” and “Personal Excellence.” She offers original art and limited edition prints to inspire you and brighten your home.
In addition, you can commission Jan to do a personal painting just for you and your space. You choose the subject, mood, and colors you want.
Check out the Gallery of Paintings where you will see her series paintings as well as some commissioned pieces she has done for clients.
Detail from Winter Raining into Spring
Becoming One With
The Elder Grove
Creativity is my thing: I am inspired by Nature, by Relationships, by Life…
About Jan
Jan is a prolific painter and writer from St. Peters, Missouri. She has won many awards and her work has been exhibited throughout the United States and in Germany. She is the author of two books on creativity and personal growth: Through the Inner Eye and Creativity as a Life Path as well as two novels, Woman Alone and A Thousand Ways to Kiss the Earth.
Jan holds an MA in Creativity and Studio Art from Lindenwood University where she also taught Humanities for fourteen years. She was a Resident Artist from 2005 to 2010 for the Foundry Arts Centre and has operated Groenemann Studios offering classes and workshops since 1980.
In 2008 Jan trained as a Life Coach through The Institute for Life Coach Training, and she and Renee Groenemann have since formed “Inner Eye Life Coaching” offering individual and group coaching programs, retreats, and online courses.
Jan has created a life she loves and would love to help you do the same.
Groenemann Studios operates out of Jan’s lovely home which includes two studios and lush gardens. Here Jan has created a beautiful and safe space for students and clients to explore creativity as well as to deepen their personal growth.
Life Coaching with Jan is by appointment. Also offered are workshops and Creative Coaching Intensives.
It is Jan’s philosophy that we are all creators, creating constantly, by conscious intention or chaos, our very lives through every thought, action and choice.
Jan Groenemann has created a life she loves:
- BA Art Edu, Missouri State University; MA Studio Art & Creativity, Lindenwood University;
- Life Coach Certification, Institute for Life Coach Training
- Author of Through the Inner Eye: Awakening to the Creative Spirit on creativity and personal growth; Woman Alone, a novel; Creativity as a Life Path, tools for creating the life you want; A Thousand Ways to Kiss the Earth, a novel, and In progress Seeing the Magic, an illustrated book on seeing as an artist
- Painter of Abstract Expressionistic art that has won numerous awards, exhibited throughout the US and Germany, and is in private and corporate collections world wide
- Winner of the Arty Award for Individual Accomplishment in the Arts
- Listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers
- Facilitator of workshops and retreats on Creativity and Deep Listening
- Resident Artist and Instructor, Groenemann Studios. 1981-present
- Resident Artists, Foundry Arts Centre, 2005-2010
- Adjunct Professor of Humanities, 1999-2013
- Featured in “New Thought Journal”, “American Artist Watercolor Magazine”, “New Woman Magazine” and “Personal Excellence”
Creativity is Self-Expression and it enhances your life. Creativity cannot be separated from your spirituality, for both emanate from your very core.
Creativity is my passion, my own and the creativity of others. Professionally I express myself through writing, painting and facilitating others in connecting with their own creative energies.
But I also express my creativity through my garden, how I decorate my home, what I wear….well, actually through every aspect of my life. The creative process is sometimes melancholy, but often it is silly and playful. Mostly it is pure JOY!
From the time I was four years old I knew I wanted to be an artist. So I got my BS in Education and Business and began teaching high school while I stared exhibiting my work. I began to win a lot of awards. I started Groenemann Studios so that I could teach others privately and started a class on Creativity and Personal Growth. This grew into a book titled Through the Inner Eye.