Jan Groenemann
Jan Groenemann
I am not a teacher but an awakener. -Robert Frost
If even one of these statements apply to you, Life Coaching can be helpful to you:
I feel a lack of focus, direction, or purpose.
I feel unclear about exactly what I want to create in my life.
I sometimes struggle with ineffective thinking and actions.
I feel uninspired and depleted of motivation.
I feel I am settling for less than my potential.
I have stopped dreaming.
I feel a need for a career change.
I have a vague feeling that something is “missing.”
I am in a relationship that drains rather than inspires me.
I get so busy helping others that I forget how to help myself.
I would like to find a clear direction for my life.
My life feels “too busy” or just out of balance.
I would like to improve self-confidence and self-esteem.
I would like to create a healthy, balanced life with true Inner-peace.
Inner Eye Life Coaching also offers online workshops and classes:
Zapped to Zen with Renee Groenemann
Embracing Your Murky and Magical with Jan Groenemann
Regardless of your age, creativity enhances your life!