The Open Studios and Garden Book Release party was a big success, and what a fun-filled and creative day with more than 150 in attendance. My only frustration was that I didn’t get to spend as much time as I would have liked visiting with each of you who honored me with your presence. I did hear, however, that everyone had a wonderful time enjoying the wonderful food, lovely music provided by Zoe Willott, and visiting with friendly, creative people. There were so many whom I had not had a chance to see in a long time. It was so great to see you! Thank you to each of you!
A big thanks to my dear friends without whom I could not have made this happen: Karen, Jeanne, Katherine, Karol, Jan, Mary, Joyce and Holly, who stayed around and helped for the day, and for all of you who contributed to the wonderful deserts. Thanks to Karen who helped me declutter and prepare for the event, to my daughter-in-law, Meaghan, who cleaned and washed windows, to Jeanne and Katherine who shared their Costco and Sam’s memberships and helped me get together food, and to Jan and Mary who did the incredible floral arrangements. I happen to know that they both went hunting in the woods and along the highways for authentic “wildflowers!” Jan, I hope you poison ivy is totally cleared up! I had so much valuable help, and all of it is so appreciated.
Thank you also, for all who purchased books and paintings!! I’m getting very good feedback from those who have read Woman Alone, and an unexpected treat are those who wish to do Life Coaching as a result of reading the book.
For you who felt especially touched by Jude Bennett’s story, please consider doing a review of the book for Amazon or give me a review at the end of this blog that I can post on my web site. Most of all, do tell other potential readers about the book. Word of mouth is the absolutely most important marketing tool.
August 10, 7:00PM I will host our Book Club in my home and would love to have you attend if you have read the book and would like to participate in a discussion with our group. We will meet in my home at 110 Millbridge Ct., St. Peters, MO. We will be looking for the themes in the book and what most spoke to you, discussing how Jude’s story might empower women, and talking about how the story speaks to living in present day America. Please RSVP if you plan to attend so I can have adequate food and drink.
Again, I am so grateful for all of you who came, who are reading Woman Alone, and who will pass the word to others who might benefit from the story.