Mark your calendars! You are invited to join Jan in her home studios at 110 Millbridge Court, St. Peters, MO to celebrate the release of her second book and first novel. Woman Alone: One Woman’s Journey Through the Murky and Magical will be available for purchase from Jan, or bring your copy for her to sign. Woman Alone is now available in hard cover or soft bound through online sources at Balboa Press Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble or can be ordered through your local booksellers.
Jude Bennett’s “happily ever after” has dissolved into a crisis that catapults her into the limelight of the Chicago art scene with a passion to help other struggling female artists. Even though her childhood dreams of being a wife, a mother, and an artist have been realized, Jude instinctively knows something is missing. So when her mother suddenly dies, she sets out on a quest to find herself.
As Jude’s search for meaning in an unpredictable world takes her from rural Illinois into the international art world, from Christian traditions to a universal spirituality that encompasses even her Native American heritage, and from the belief that she needs a man to be whole, Jude must learn to embrace her vulnerability, the joy of self-discovery, and most importantly her purpose.
Woman Alone is the story of a creative woman’s murky yet magical search for meaning as she questions her life, her immortality, and where she truly belongs.
Come and enjoy the art and ambiance of Jan’s home studios!